Discovering Christ Online
Discovering Christ is a simple, relaxed and attractive presentation of the Catholic faith.
The online version begins with a video presentation followed by a time of exchange about it in small groups. There are nine Monday evenings, each starting at 7.30pm and ending at 9pm.
The dates for the next course are: 11th, 18th, 25th January 2021, 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd February, and 1st, 8th March.
Discovering Christ is for anyone who wants to learn about, explore or deepen the Catholic faith.
All are welcome, Catholic or not, believer or not. You can attend yourself or, even better, invite a member of your family or a friend to watch with you!
For a presentation of the Discovering Christ course on which the online version is based you can watch the above trailer.
You can register by filling the registration form below. Once you are registered you will receive a Zoom link which will enable you to join the course.